Updatable Website Solutions

SEC Consulting are able to offer a range of customer updatable website solutions. First and foremost, SEC Consulting is a technology company NOT a graphic design company, however we can offer you a range of website solutions that will allow you to update and manage your own content, upload PDF downloadable articles or case studies/histories etc.

On the web you can find cheap hosting companies that give you a login (normally to a WordPress or other Content Management System (CMS) derived site) for a very small monthly fee and it’s all down to you or at the other end of the scale a graphic design house that will charge you an extortionate amount of money (often for the same WordPressJoomlaDrupal or other off the shelf CMS) and will do all the content generation and  artistic “magic” on your behalf.

SEC Consulting are different, we offer something in the middle. We will assist in getting the basic site created and hosted even perhaps migrating your old static website content across to the new CMS and offer support and guidance to allow you to update and change content as and when it suites you.

Modern CMSs use templates to take what is basic text content and images and apply a layout and style, the off the shelf tools allow you to download and change instantly the look and feel of your site whenever you see fit. Our solutions link to a large database of community updated and maintained templates which you can preview and select at a click of a button.

Whilst artistic value should not be devalued, most small businesses do not need that level of artistic flair, just a good looking, mobile friendly and easily navigable site at a price that offers terrific ROI – having worked for some major consultancies we appreciate that “content is king” and most are not drawn in by flash, exotic and expensive websites when all that is needed is a good company, providing a good service, with a good, clear and clean website.